Pest Control Video

This animated pest control video explains the importance of Pest Control in Charleston Pests love warm, humid climates just as...

Mosquito Facts

  Mosquito Facts Mosquitoes find hosts by observing movement through sight. They use infra-red radiation that is emitted by warm bodies and chemical signals at distances of 25 to 35 meters to find blood too! Here are a few more weird mosquito facts you might not...

Can Pests Spread the Coronavirus?

Can pests spread the coronavirus? There is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. As people are taking the proper precautions to prevent the spread of this disease, some may be wondering, can pests spread the coronavirus? COVID-19, a novel...

COVID-19 Business Precautions

Dear Valued Customers, In these uncertain times of COVID-19, we hope you are staying healthy and safe. We wanted to touch base and provide some clarity on how Advanced Termite + Pest Control will be continuing business. We are currently open and operating in the...

Weird Pest Control Facts

Pest Control Facts! DID YOU KNOW?! Pest Control Edition Some male spiders pluck their cobwebs like guitars to attract female spiders. Ants do not sleep. When alarmed, Asian Lady Beetles spontaneously bleed from their legs. The American Cockroach has shown a marked...

Formosan Termites in the Winter

Formosan Termites in the Winter Even in the winter months, Termites can still cause a rather large infestation. This week we encountered termites eating this building in Downtown Charleston. Charleston,SC has the highest infestation of Formosan termites in the US....