Katie Eck
This is Katie at Advanced Termite and Pest Control. I’m here with one of our technicians, John. And today we’re going to do a podcast on why you shouldn’t stop your pest control service in the winter months. And where exactly do these bugs go in the winter, John.
So a large part of this is, when we’re talking about bugs going anywhere in the winter is we’re talking about migration or mitigation. So they’re either migrating to get out of freezing or sub sub freezing temperatures are they are mitigating the risk to their bodies. By usually purging proteins, sugars and waters from your body to avoid freezing to drop below the freezing point are to also avoid any ill effects. So they actually have almost inorganic antifreeze built into their bloodstream, most of the time to basically keep them from ever forming the crystalline structures that ice is consistently. And when it comes to why we don’t want to take it to stop using our pest control companies during the wintertime, a lot of that comes down to the eyes that we have on our house, I can tell you hundreds of times I have saved people 1000s of dollars by noticing something far beyond before it became a problem. And when we do that inspecting your home at every service is a must. Essentially what we’re looking for his signs of rodent activity. Just because the the creepy crawly bugs have gone away doesn’t mean that the rodents are not out in force. You know, dedicating in our crawl spaces tearing down insulation chewing wires, just causing general property damage that can get worse and worse, the longer it’s left unchecked. A lot of times what we’re looking for, is any chew marks in our garages, flood vents, eaves, any penetrations where they could possibly be slipping in and causing unseen damage to your home stuff that you wouldn’t be able to tell it’s broken until it burns down your house or causes a flood in your attic. Or, you know, let’s just say happens to cause insurmountable construction damage. If it gets into a wall breaks a plumbing penetration chews through a pecks pipe, and you know, you’ve got two stories flooded out. And it all could have been avoided by continuing that service for the four to six months during the winter. Instead of canceling outright, just because we’re not seeing bugs.
Katie Eck
Great information, thank you. Does continuing to service also prevent the bugs from coming back in such a full force when it does get warm in the springtime.
So again, a major pillar in our industry is honestly population control. So due to weather conditions on the exterior of any property, we’re going to constantly see the material that we lay out, pesticide in general, being beaten up against constantly so our biggest defense, our hardest weapon against pests getting into our homes, is reducing that population at the time of service. So if we’re keeping that population in check all through the winter, come the beginning of summertime, when your family’s all in town to enjoy your Charleston home. You’re not dealing with a roach here. And, you know, roach in the cabinet and Roche and grandmas to hair and at the end of the day, everybody will feel a lot better. And there’s no pickup time and you’re not paying an initial service cost fee, which every company is going to charge you. Because just we are out there consistently keeping an eye on your property, taking care of all the things that need to be taken care of and catching problems before they really are problems and making sure that your summary is just as this starts off just as well as it is.
Katie Eck
Sounds good. We’ll be happy to pass that information along to our customers. Thanks so much for being with us today and we will talk to you again soon. John. Thank you
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