Mosquito Season in Charleston
Mosquito season in Charleston begins regularly in the spring, is extreme in the summer, and tapers off into the fall. So, you can expect to start seeing mosquitoes in Charleston as soon as the weather is warm. With this in mind, many of our customers in the low country opt for year-round mosquito services due to the warm fronts throughout the winter.
Mosquitoes prefer warm weather, so “mosquito season” typically applies in places where winters get cold and stay cold for long periods of time. Charlestonian’s know that it does occasionally get cold in Charleston, even if just for the night or a short period of time. However, mosquitoes in Charleston are usually able to hide from the cold and come right back out the next day when the it gets warm again.
Mosquitoes do not go away for the season until the first freeze followed by temperatures consistently below 50 degrees. Therefore, warmer climates such as the southern continental U.S. (South Carolina) and Hawaii, there may be at least a little mosquito activity year round. The exact start of the season depends on both temperature and rainfall. So, the start and end of mosquito season may vary depending on those variables. Yet, it is possible to roughly estimate when mosquito season will begin and when it will end, no matter what part of the country you live in.
The life-cycle of mosquitoes in Charleston
In locations such as Charleston where a warm spring follows a mildly cold winter, some mosquito species emerge from hibernation. Other mosquito species are born from eggs laid during the last mosquito season. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes lay approximately 100 eggs at a time. These blood suckers mature fast. The entire Aedes mosquito life cycle—from an egg to an adult—only takes 7-10 days. Different species have different life cycles, habitats and tolerance to cold. Almost all the females need to start looking for a meal of blood after they’ve mated and only female mosquitoes bite. This is in order to produce eggs. That’s when people begin to notice them.
Mosquito species that hibernate need warm weather to become active, while mosquito species that spend the winter as eggs need rainfall to flood the eggs and make them hatch. Charleston has plenty of warm weather and rainfall. This is why we have such an extensive mosquito issue in Charleston.
Because weather makes such a big difference, mosquito activity in Charleston can begin at different times each year. Even in the same year, some mosquito species may become active before others. This is due to the amount of rain that we are receiving this year which will vary from year to year. Still, it’s possible to estimate roughly when mosquito season will begin and end, depending on what part of the country you live in.
summertime Mosquitoes in Charleston
As the hot, humid weather of a Charleston summer arrives, mosquito season reaches its peak mosquito activity. The warm temperatures make them pass through their life cycle faster. This means more mosquitoes are laying eggs and more eggs are hatching.
By the end of the summer, you may notice a decline in mosquito bites, since there are fewer mosquitoes around. Those mosquitoes who were born earlier in the summer are gradually disappearing from accidents and predators, and fewer new eggs are hatching. However, for Charleston, these warm, humid temperatures usually stay until October or November.
End of Mosquito Season in Charleston
At the end of the season, mosquitoes in Charleston will start to die off for the winter. Unfortunately, they will not disappear completely until the first frost, However, the mosquitoes become less active as temperatures drop below 50 degrees. The mosquitoes that hibernate as adults will begin their dormancy when the cooler weather arrives. However, as mentioned, those that hibernate may come out on warm winter days. So, one might see mosquitoes any time of year that the temperature is warm enough.
preparing for mosquitoes in Charleston
While we can not change the temperature or rainfall to control when mosquitoes begin their season. People can, however, discourage the mosquitoes from breeding by eliminating standing water around their homes. Standing water is typically found in backyards, around houses, in gutters and ditches. The water can also be in unsuspecting places such as pet water bowls, plant bases, or anything else that can collect water. If you want to keep some shallow standing water in your yard, such as in a lily-pond or bird-bath, you should use a professional pest control service. These professionals have the skills and knowledge to significantly reduce mosquitoes in Charleston yard.
Especially in coastal cities such as Charleston, many residents live on or very near marsh land, ponds, or the ocean. Mosquitoes are even more extreme in these areas.
A hired professional such as Advanced Termite and Pest Control can significantly reduce mosquitoes on your property. Whether you’re dealing with mosquitoes at home in Charleston or are planning a vacation, it is useful to be aware of when mosquito season is. There are also some interesting ways to repel mosquitoes on top of the mosquito reduction. Surprisingly, after a blood feeding, female mosquitoes are attracted to dark places to hide while they digest their meal. So, they tend to rest on people wearing darker colored clothes. The good news is that these mosquitoes have already eaten, so they probably will not bite you. However, hungry mosquitoes that have yet to bite and feed use visual cues to find someone to snack on. Therefore, a hungry mosquito will likely bite the people that are wearing contrasting colors that are easier to see instead.
Our Mosquito Reduction Package
If you are located in Charleston or the surrounding areas, please feel free to contact Advanced Termite and Pest Control about any questions about our services. We always offer Free Pest Assessments and Free Termite Assessments to new and current customers. We also offer bundled discounts for customers with termite, pest, and mosquito control with us. With mosquitoes coming in full force, we would be happy to help significantly reduce the amount of mosquitoes on your property.